Tuesday, September 13, 2011

God and the homosexuality (morality)

Hum... this is a very hard subject to discuss but lets give it a try.
The christian God have a very critical view of homosexuality, I'm an atheist but I was a believer and I have a big inside view of Christian church and let me tell you it is one closed  mentality, and is very dogmatic and harmful when it comes to this point, the preach fear they preach evil and they preach the segregation for homosexuals.
All right this is their point of view, I don't agree but I'm not interested in change no one, but what I wont to do is expose some of the incoherence's that they preach:
1st- If we are all sons and daughters of god why should the homosexuals(among so many others) go to hell.
2nd- If we ar created by God similar to him  why should we be so different from everybody else.
3rd- If we are creation of God why would we create us different and seiners.
4th-If God is only good and bless how can there be a hell.
5th-If God look out for his sons how so many suffering and pain exist.(don't come with the bs that God is  MYSTERIOUS, the only thing that God does is to be adored, God sent Christ is real son to teach us about him, but when it comes to incoherence's  God is  MYSTERIOUS... ya right, I don't buy it )
So if you can't actually define God and his will, you better be happy while you can because you don't no if there is anything beyond this life.  


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