Monday, September 12, 2011

The adoption

The adoption of kids buy homosexual men or woman it's a very controversial subject undeniably, and the controversy come from the fact that a large part of the society still see homosexual couples as unstable, promiscuous and irresponsible, for sure some of them are, but the truth is that many of the heterosexual couples are also unstable, promiscuous and irresponsible but the big difference is that many of those  heterosexual couples are able to adopt.
The obligation of child support is to intensively evaluate the foster care families homo or heterosexual, what is not acceptable is stereotyping  couples by their sexual orientation.
Many people argue that kids need a male and female image on their lives, that's way we don't allow single parents to raise their children.(make sense doesn't it???) I think that this argument is an insult to every single parent that have raised his sons or daughters on his own, And one more thing allowing gay couples to adopt would just give the opportunity of more children to have a family, so forbidding adoption by homosexual couples is not only ungrounded but also selfish. 
Others say that we need children and if gay couples were allowed to marry soon the population will age and finally end. Who is able to conceive such a future????, by allowing gay couples to marry the number of gays will not increase ... being gay is not a choice.  
Finally they say that gay couples only raise gay children, obviously the contrary is also true, heterosexual couples only raise heterosexual kids. (OK, I think the sarcasm expose fully my point of view.) 
                                                                                                                                     William G.

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