Sunday, September 11, 2011

Being the gay son (the coming out)

I believe that this his is the crucial moment for every homosexual boy or girl, the come out of the closet, it is remarkably difficult for anybody to admit, just that they are homosexuals, and we can't forget that is very, very stressing to admit in front of our parents that we are different, that we belong to the tiny bit of society that like people of the same gender, ya then, when I say this many people might say too that no mater what your parents love you and nothing changes, relay I never met parents that reacted so peacefully, in fact I even think that that is not possible.
Our parents tend to predict our future and they have dreams that they expect us to achieve, and that isn't that bad it gives us a guide line, but those dreams often includes getting married (in my case) with the most smart and wonderful lady I can find and have a bunch of kids and grow old together, and live happily ever after, and mams ans dads all over over the country cry when, one of their kinds admits that he or she is homosexual, I'm pretty sure that it feels like a hard blow to the stomach, it's like we are destroying their dreams, but if we think about it the only part of the dream that don't come true is the wife part because every thing remains the same we possibly marry we adopt if possible (and I don't see why the hell it shouldn't be legal gay couples to adopt, but that is a all different subject that I hope to talk about later on), well we were in the part where a gay couple can live happily ever after.
And there is yet some thing that bothers me if I was straight no one would ever ask me nor if I was straight nor I would go to any one, embarrassed saying that I was straight, right, so way do I need to go talk to any one, embarrassed saying that I am gay??? but now the story changes if someone asks me (if I'm gay or not) I wouldn't deny being straight if I was, like I wouldn't deny if I was straight and someone asked me if I as straight, but in the case of being gay the mom or the dad might ask way didn't you told me that before and for me this is a complete nonsense, and the better answer to that question is : YOU DIDN'T ASKED!
And this kind of nonsense will continue until we change and erase this way of thinking and there is no better way to do this then by stepping up and lose the shame and talk openly talk about this openly.                                     
                                                                                                                                            William G.

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