Monday, October 24, 2011

And now what?

God Hates fags... Does He really?
-The bible says that if a men lies with another man they  should both be put to death.
But hey the same bible also says that if your son is disobedient he should also be killed.
We need to straight thing up!!... the bible was written over 2000 year ago and what this book expresses is the mentality of the people 2000 years ago, if we all kept thinking like that there would be no new achievements, no progress we would still live in 11 a.C., is this what we want? ... well let me clear something out I'm not trying to make anyone to change his/her mind about his/her beliefs, as a matter of fact I myself was a believer for quiet some time, and faith have it's good and bad side, well, I'm don't believe in god any more for two things I don't have enough to make me believe, and the christian faith gives a lot to be desired in terms of coherence and  way of thinking. But hey it is just my opinion.
The church, bible an whatnot, have put me through a lot of suffering and self recrimination, it made me hate my self for being homosexual, I wanted to kill my self .Every minute was torture, no one should suffer so much pain,  the idea of god and sine and eternal punishment was what made me think that I was a freak, a daemon, some kind of monster. If kept thinking like this I wouldn't be hear today, that is for sore, but one day I realized, this is not living, I deserve better, I found my escape through philosophy, through the true knowledge, and from then on I changed, I now know that I am a human bean like every other person and no one can judge me, I have free will, and no one can tell me what to think, only now I can be free.

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