Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The comming out

  Funny thing about my coming out of the closet is that it was nothing like what I had planed.
Day after day I thought how could I tell people That I was gay, many sleepless nights thinking about it, the right time to the right people... but it was nothing like that, not to the right person nor at the right time.
Wednesday, 7th of December 2011, after a poetry rehearsal, it was late, a friend of mine looked at me and asked me:" Are you gay?"
   A million things just raced through my mind "how could you possibly know,what are you saying ,who told you???" but my mouth betrayed me, and I just spat a "yes", amazingly I did not felt a drop of shame, as a matter of fact I felt indeed very proud of my self!
 That day my life toke a turn for the better, it fells like a million tone weight was lifted of my shoulders, I now feel more confident than ever before, I have my all life ahead of me but now the path just looks prettier.